Welcome to BIGSOUND

Basic expectations of attendees

QMusic is committed to doing everything in its power to ensure that everyone has a safe, inclusive - and most importantly - transformational experience during BIGSOUND. We want everyone that attends the event to leave Brisbane with positive feelings, having fully participated as a valued member of the BIGSOUND community.

Every September, BIGSOUND welcomes people from around the world to be part of a pop-up community that takes over Fortitude Valley for 4 days and nights. 

Think of BIGSOUND as the opportunity for our industry to showcase the very best of our collective values and behaviours, and set a standard for the other 361 days of the year to meet. Imagine how great that would be!

It's your behaviour that will determine whether BIGSOUND achieves this goal. Everyone that attends in 2018 is expected to take personal responsibility for how their behaviour might impact on another person's right to be safe, included and transformed by the BIGSOUND experience. QMusic can do what it can to facilitate the environment in which BIGSOUND takes place, but it's you that really makes it live, through how you choose to interact with others and the opportunities that the event presents.

If you're coming to BIGSOUND this year, you are encouraged to reflect upon the following questions before touching down in Brisbane:

How will I share respectful dialogue with people I don't agree with?

What will I do to make people who are different to me feel welcome and included?

What is my role in ensuring others are free from having their personal space infringed upon?

How can my behaviour best serve the advancement of everyone's goals, not just my own?

QMusic is confident that BIGSOUND will be a shining example of the music industry's best qualities if everyone sincerely considers these questions and commits to a path of action dedicated to the wellbeing of others. If you are a person unwilling to consider the above questions, or you're considering any action that might infringe on another person's basic human rights, you are not welcome at BIGSOUND.

We encourage anyone who is the subject of behaviour that makes them feel unsafe or excluded to notify venue security, or if appropriate, to report it to the police. 

QMusic welcomes any feedback about the design of the BIGSOUND experience that could further build a more inclusive and safe community for attendees. We hope that the changes we have made to the conference experience this year increase your capacity to contribute to the conversation, as well as develop your professional skills and networks.

See you soon!