At 24, Brontë Jane is one of the youngest woman-identifying A&Rs in the industry. As the A&R Director at independent music publisher, Third Side Music, Brontë has had her hand in bringing in key artists such as Sofi Tukker, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, BADBADNOTGOOD, Blonde Redhead, Lost Under Heaven, and more. These acts have since been licensed in projects across film, TV, advertising and beyond, including Sofi Tukker’s feature in Apple’s recent launch of the iPhone X. Previously, Brontë got her start working as an Editor at EARMILK, a journalist (The Line of Best Fit/DIY Magazine), and as a Music Consultant at Instinct Entertainment (The Handmaid's Tale/Vikings).
Brontë Jane
Conference Speaker
Third Side Music - A&R Director
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Paul Sloan
Conference Speaker
SUPERSONIC/Billions - Independent Producer, Booking Agent and Music Business Consultant.